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Italy Confirms Germany Receives 32 Survivors from Migrant Boat Tragedy

Italy Confirms Germany Receives 32 Survivors from Migrant Boat Tragedy
REUTERS/Remo Casilli – On Friday, March 31, 2023, Italian authorities and the United Nations confirmed that Germany had received 32 survivors from a migrant boat that sank in the southern region of Italy last month. The incident took place near Cutro, in the Calabria region, and it is considered one of the deadliest maritime accidents in Italian territorial waters, with over 90 people losing their lives on February 26.

The Survivors and Relocation

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi stated in a parliamentary session on March 7, 2023, that a total of 80 people survived the accident. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) helped arrange charter flights for 32 of the survivors to Hamburg. The IOM expressed satisfaction with supporting the relocation efforts under the European Union's voluntary solidarity mechanism on Twitter.

According to the ANSA news agency, the 32 survivors included 28 Afghans, two Syrians, one Iraqi, and one Somali. They will join their relatives already living in Germany, and they can apply for asylum, according to an IOM spokesman.

Accusations Against Italian Authorities

Italy's far-right government has faced criticism for its handling of the migrant crisis and calls from other EU member countries to accept more migrants. The Italian authorities are facing allegations that they are not doing enough to prevent migrant shipwrecks, but Rome has denied the accusations.

The Humanitarian Crisis

The tragedy in Cutro is another example of the humanitarian crisis that migrants face when trying to reach Europe from North Africa. The journey is often perilous, and many lose their lives in the process. The situation has worsened since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with countries imposing restrictions that have made the journey even more dangerous.

The Need for EU-Wide Solutions

The migrant crisis is not a problem that Italy can solve alone, and it requires EU-wide solutions. Countries need to cooperate and share the burden of the crisis. Italy and other countries at the EU's southern border have borne the brunt of the crisis, and it is time for other member countries to show solidarity and support.

The Role of the EU

The EU has taken steps to address the crisis, such as the establishment of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and the creation of the European Union Agency for Asylum. However, these measures are not enough, and more needs to be done to support countries at the EU's southern borders.

The Need for Comprehensive Solutions

Comprehensive solutions that address the root causes of the crisis are necessary. The EU needs to work with the countries of origin to address issues such as poverty, conflict, and political instability. This will reduce the number of people who feel compelled to make the dangerous journey to Europe.

The Importance of Human Rights

The migrant crisis is a humanitarian issue, and it is essential to uphold the human rights of migrants. Countries need to ensure that migrants are treated with dignity and respect and that their rights are protected. This includes ensuring that they have access to medical care, legal support, and safe and humane living conditions.


The tragedy in Cutro is a reminder of the ongoing migrant crisis and the need for EU-wide solutions. Countries need to work together to address the root causes of the crisis, support countries at the EU's southern borders, and uphold the human rights of migrants.

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