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Turkey Strongly Condemns Burning of Koran and Turkish Flag by Far-Right Group in Denmark

Ritzau Scanpix/Olafur Steinar Gestsson via REUTERS – In March 2023, a far-right group in Denmark burned a Koran and a Turkish flag in front of the Turkish Embassy in Copenhagen. This incident, which is the second of its kind this year, has sparked outrage and condemnation from the Turkish government. In this article, we will discuss the details of the incident, the response of the Turkish government, and the implications of such actions.

The Burning of the Koran and Turkish Flag in Copenhagen

On March 31, 2023, the Danish far-right group, Patrioterne Gar Live, burned a Koran and a Turkish flag in front of the Turkish Embassy in Copenhagen. This act of provocation was not only disrespectful to the Muslim religion but also to the Turkish government and its people. This is not the first time that such an incident has occurred in Denmark. Earlier this year, another far-right group burned a Koran in a public square in Aarhus, Denmark.

The Turkish Government's Response

In response to the incident, the Turkish government summoned the Danish ambassador in Ankara to express strong condemnation and protest. The government urged the Danish authorities to take necessary measures against the perpetrators and prevent the recurrence of such provocations. The Turkish Foreign Ministry released a statement condemning the act and emphasizing that such incidents only fuel Islamophobia, xenophobia, discrimination, and racism in Europe.

Islamophobia on the Rise in Europe

The burning of the Koran and the Turkish flag by far-right groups in Denmark is a clear indication of the rise of Islamophobia in Europe. This trend has been evident in recent years, with many European countries experiencing a surge in far-right political parties that espouse anti-immigrant and anti-Islamic sentiments. The rise of Islamophobia in Europe is a cause for concern as it threatens to undermine the social fabric of Europe and lead to the marginalization of Muslim communities.

The Need for Tolerance and Understanding

The burning of the Koran and Turkish flag in Denmark is a sad reminder of the need for tolerance and understanding in today's world. It is important for people to learn about and appreciate different cultures, religions, and traditions to build a more inclusive and peaceful society. It is also crucial for governments to take necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of such incidents and promote a culture of tolerance and respect for diversity.


The burning of the Koran and Turkish flag in Denmark by a far-right group is a reprehensible act that deserves strong condemnation. The incident highlights the need for tolerance, understanding, and respect for diversity in today's world. It is crucial for governments to take necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of such incidents and promote a culture of tolerance and respect for diversity.

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